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The Pro's Choice Grip-It 

Take your game to a whole new level, our PGA Pro's will show you how.

Coming Soon - New and Extremely Improved Grip-It's!

The Pro's Choice Grip-It is the only personal golf maintenance system to deep clean and re-hydrate your entire set of golf clubs.  With only two squirts of the Pro's Choice solution, it removes the salts, oils, and acids that build-up to destroy your grips, while restoring and maintaining the soft natural tackiness that the grip manufacturer intended.  It removes the need for re-gripping and enables you to use the proper, light touch without fear of the grip slipping or rotating in your hand.

PGA Tour Player J.B. Holmes used the Pro's Choice Grip-It to win Q-School and the FBR Open.  When asked about the Grip-It  J.B. Said: "Thanks for making such a great product.  It's helped me get to achieve some of my dreams".

PGA Tour Player Mark Hensby climbed from 46th to 28th in the world golf rankings in only two months after starting to use the Pro's Choice Grip-It at the Memorial Tournament.  Mark later said this about the Grip-It: The Pro's Choice solution definitely helped me with my control and my distances, especially off my mid irons and around the greens, the ball came off very consistent after using the system every time.

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